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'I'm like, so gay, dude': 9 times we truly did not deserve Kristen Stewart

Love you, Kristen.


How do we love thee? Let us count the ways.

1. When she expertly ripped the piss out of President Donald Trump for being obsessed with her.

Background: President Trump developed a weird obsession with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson’s relationship back in 2012 and tweeted about it her several times.

Very presidential behaviour, we’re sure you’ll agree.

kris Source: Donald Trump/Twitter

The tweets came back to haunt the President earlier this year when Kristen Stewart poked fun at his obsession with her on Saturday Night Live.

Source: Saturday Night Live/YouTube

She also addressed the President’s weird preoccupation with her in an interview with Variety.

He was mad at me a couple years ago, really obsessed with me a couple years ago, which is f–king crazy. I can’t even understand it. I literally cannot even understand it. It’s such a far-out concept that I don’t want to believe that actually is happening. It’s insane.

To put it mildly.

2. When she announced that she was “so gay, dude” on Saturday Night Live

giphy (20) Source: Giphy

3. When she opened up about her bisexuality

I’m not ashamed, and I’m not confused. Things have changed. And not just with me—we’re really allowed to encourage this new acceptance to develop and be awesome.

Rendering those weird, vague ‘gal pal’ headlines obsolete in an instant.

galpal Source: Daily Mail

4. And clarified that ‘bisexual’ doesn’t mean that you haven’t decided one way or the other

You’re not confused if you’re bisexual. It’s not confusing at all. For me, it’s quite the opposite.

5. Each and every time she’s given the finger to the paparazzi

giphy (21) Source: Giphy

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6. Every time she dealt with, “Why don’t you smile more?” questions like a saint.


kstew Source: Cosmopolitan

7. This haircut, though.

8. And what about the Totinos sketch?

*fans self*

Source: Saturday Night Live/YouTube

9. And when she explained the high standard that women in the public eye are held to:

If a woman isn’t happy and un-opinionated and long-haired and pretty, then she’s weird and ugly. I just don’t get it. I hate it when they say I’m ungrateful and I f**king hate it when they say I don’t give a s**t, because nobody cares more than I do. I’m telling you I don’t know anybody who does this that gives a s**t more than I do.

giphy (23) Source: Giphy

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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